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Audio Bugs

Audio Bugs

Audio Bugs

Audio bugs are audio surveillance devices that can be placed in a room, on a person, and left behind to work as covert transmitters or bugging devices. Audio bugs do not always look like bugging transmitters built onto a miniature pc board with an antenna.
Our audio bugs are offered in disguised versions in order to limit their accidental discovery should one be noticed. Because of the need for secrecy, covert transmitters and other bugging devices upon first glance may resemble a calculator, tv remote control, or cigarette lighter. That way, no one would suspect that the true nature of those objects were actually bugging devices used for monitoring conversations.

Note: If you have a question about Audio Bugs, please Contact Us before ordering. We want to make sure you understand which audio bugs will best suit your needs.

Calculator Transmitter

Calculator Transmitter

Our Calculator Transmitter possesses an audio bug built into a functioning desktop calculator. Audio bugs are often portable, able to be moved from room to room. For tactical audio surveillance, an audio bug that is not tethered to one location is great for capturing conversations when your target moves in between rooms of a house or office.

Lighter Transmitter

Lighter Transmitter

When a covert transmitter built into a lighter is activated, it can be placed in your pocket or left on a table. No one will suspect a hidden microphone connected to an audio bug is eavesdropping on a conversation. The Lighter Transmitter is one of several covert transmitters that offer dual use for stationary and mobile audio surveillance.

Bugging Devices Bugging Transmitters

Bugging Devices Bugging Transmitters

When people think of bugging devices, microscopic bugging transmitters built from bugging kits come to mind, with transmission ranges of great distances. The physics behind such a bugging device is possible, yet the size is another story. Take for instance the bugging transmitter model G1410, also known as our Super Wireless Transmitter.

TV Remote Control Bug

TV Remote Control Bug

Building a room transmitter into a TV remote control is probably one of the most interesting room monitoring devices we offer because no one would ever suspect they are being monitored from a TV remote. Our TV Remote Transmitter bug is one of those inventions you ponder about who thinks these things up.